The ontology of Wikidata: how to interact with it for a better quality.
This webinar will explore the characteristics of Wikidata and how to correctly add new items related to concepts absent in Wikidata by setting the relationships between them and the pre-existing elements. It is organised by Michael Culture Association as part of the common European data space for cultural heritage.
Many cultural institutions that aggregate data to Europeana's infrasturcture use Wikidata elements to enrich their content and improve the quality of their data. The more effective Wikidata, the better the quality of the results of those who use Wikidata will be. This webinar will explore the characteristics of the Wikidata ontology and how to correctly add new items related to concepts absent in Wikidata by setting the relationships between them and the pre-existing elements (classes and subclasses).
- Maria Teresa Natale, Senior project manager, coordinator of the MUSEU aggreagator, more than 20 years’ experience in EU projects related to Digital Cultural Heritage, involved in several MCA projects. Special expertise in Education, Tourism and Digital exhibitions. Strong experience in professional training. Strong expertise in technical coordination of EU projects.
- Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo, PhD student of Classics at Scuola Normale Superiore; he is a Wikimedian since 2012 and is presently among the administrators of Wikidata and Italian Wikipedia; he is a cofounder of the Wikidata Group for Museum, Archives and Libraries (GWMAB), supported by the Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage of the University of Pavia.
For more information, please visit the website.