Over 6.700 photographs from Catalan photographer Josep Maria Sagarra
From around 1909 until 1937, Sagarra was one of the most prominent Catalan photographers from the first half of the twentieth century.
His first renowned work was documenting the 1909 Setmana Tràgica, 'The Tragic Week', where Catalan labourer protests escalated into a bloody confrontation between the army and the protesters. He went on to work for the Diario de Barcelona and La Vanguardia, and was one of the founders of the Agrupació de Reporters Gràfics de Barcelona in 1921. A lot of famous and powerful figures passed his lens throughout the years, as he shot at political events and tours happening throughout Catalonia.
The dataset of more than 6.700 pictures, all published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license, contains collections on all kinds of subjects. Sagarra's work captures moments ranging from horse jumping contests, historic railroad equipment, and football matches to presidential and royal visits, protests, speeches, and rallies.