Musical Life in Belgium during the First World War
This collection comprises approximately 181 items, for example, military marching music, official military marching music published with the approval of the Ministry of National Defense, war hymns, folk songs, national anthems, patriotic music as well as salon songs for solo voice and piano.

Within the context of Europeana Collections 1914-1918, the Royal Library of Belgium has made available a collection of digital items of Belgian music from the First World War.
The music division of the Royal Library of Belgium is considered the most important institute for the preservation of music-related documents in the country. Expect to find both the printed and handwritten works, including the works of Guy Weitz (1883 -1970), a well-known Belgian organist and composer.
Most songs are in French but Dutch songs are also well represented. Manuscripts annotations written by the authors or by the owners of the works can also be explored.
Provided by: Royal Library of Belgium