Italian newspapers from the First World War period
The collection preserves several popular Italian newspaper as “L’idea Nazionale”, the official newspaper of the Nationalist Party which in 1914 supported the Italian military intervention in the war. Furthermore, it includes different satirical journals that represent the history of the Italian satire and humor in the XX century.
For example L’Asino, weekly satirical illustrated paper characterised by a socialist and anticlerical position; Pasquino, anticlerical and giolittian paper that talked about social and political problems as women's emancipation and where the famous illustrator Casimiro Teja was trained; 420 of the most famous satirical papers, with a typical Anti-German position and with the collaboration of important caricaturists as Sacchetti, Yambo and Mario Fiorini; Il Mulo "anticanagliesco" that during the War in favour of Austria took a neutralist stance, among his collaborators are famous artists as Moroni Celsi (Stern).