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Overview for 'conference'
Europeana 2020 call for proposals
Europeana Foundation
Created: 3 September 2020
Sebastiaan ter Burg
Nicholas Jarrett
At Europeana 2020, we want to explore with you how we can support a sustainable, responsible and inspiring cultural heritage sector for today and tomorrow. We’re delighted to announce the launch of our call for proposals and invite you to join us in leading these discussions.
Members of Europeana's Collection Engagement team present on the 'Representation of Diverse Histories in Europeana' at the 13th International Conference on the Inclusive Museum.
Europeana 2025 will be held on 11-12 June 2025 during the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU. It will be organised in collaboration and partnership with the Ministry of Culture and the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, hosted by POLIN Museum in Warsaw.
The 8-9 November 2019 will see the sixth European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA) International Conference take place in London. This year’s theme is Fashion and the Politics of Heritage, and this guest post from the EFHA team takes a look at some of the topics under discussion.
This is the second part of our reporting on the recent events for all things Wikimedia – the annual Wikimania conference, held this year in Stockholm – where Europeana held several associated events. Following the main conference, Europeana convened the inaugural meeting of National Libraries (and equivalent consortium organisations) who are currently working directly with Wikidata and its underlying software Wikibase. This event was organised by our Wikimedia liaison Liam Wyatt and hosted by our partners the National Library of Sweden. Liam updates us here on the meeting content.