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Posted on Monday February 8, 2016

Updated on Monday November 6, 2023

Annotation scenarios

The different types of Annotations supported by the Annotations API.

The Annotations API supports different types of annotations. This page explains the types of annotations that are currently supported, providing examples on how to represent them in the API.

1. Simple tags (without language)

A simple tag is a short textual description of a resource. This scenario only applies when the language of the tag is not know, otherwise see the scenario described in the next Section.

Examples: church
black and white
Requirement: A maximum of 64 characters is allowed for a simple tag.
A tag cannot be a URL.
In the API: Set the "motivation" to "tagging" and set the tag within the "bodyValue" field.
Availability: Simple tags are available since version 0.2.1.

Example representation:

The example below is a shortened version of the Annotation, see the complete version on Data Model.

  "motivation": "tagging",
  "bodyValue": "painting",
  "target": ""

2. Simple tags (with language)

A simple tag is a short textual description of a resource.

Examples: church
black and white
Requirement: A maximum of 64 characters is allowed for a simple tag.
A tag cannot be a URL.
The language information must be specified.
In the API: Set the "motivation" to "tagging" and set the tag within the "body" field as a Textual Body.
Availability: Simple tags are available since version 0.2.1.

Example representation:

The example below is a shortened version of the Annotation, see the complete version on Data Model.

  "motivation": "tagging",
  "body": {
    "type": "TextualBody",
    "text": "painting",
    "language": "en"
  "target": ""

Semantic tags

A semantic tag is a tag to a resource from a controlled vocabulary, making it machine-interpretable.

Example: This object in Europeana is somehow related to France (
Requirement: Any URI is accepted as semantic resource. In the future, it will be limited to a controlled list of acceptable domains.
In the API: Set the "motivation" to "tagging" and set as body the URI for the semantic resource taken from a contolled vocabulary.
Availability: Semantic tags are available since version 0.2.1.

Example representation:

The example below is a shortened version of the Annotation, see the complete version on Data Model.

  "motivation": "tagging",
  "body": "",
  "target": ""

Object links

An object link is a relationship between two (Europeana) objects. This relationship can be any.

Example: This object in Europeana is (in some way) similar to this object.
Requirement: An object link can only be made between two Europeana objects.
In the API: Set the "motivation" to "linking" and set as target an array containing the URIs of both objects.
Availability: Object linking is available since version 0.2.1.

Example representation:

The example below is a shortened version of the Annotation, see the complete version on Data Model.

  "motivation": "linking",
  "target": [


A geo-tag adds a geographical location to an item.

Example: This object in Europeana was located at latitude 52.081131 and longitude 4.324053. .
In the API: Set the "motivation" to "tagging" and include the "type", "lat" and "long" attributes in the body as per the example below.
Availability: Object linking is available since version 0.2.2.

Example representation:

  "motivation": "tagging",
  "body": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "Place",
    "lat": "52.081131",
    "long": "4.324053"
  "target": ""