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Annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations will take place in the Netherlands this year and will be hosted by Utrecht University.
At Rewire Festival in The Hague on March 29th, the Instrumental Shifts Symposium, organised by The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision’s RE:VIVE initiative explored the intersections of AI R&D related to music and its impact on the creative sector. EuropeanaTech community manager and RE:VIVE founder, Gregory Markus, wears both of his hats and explains why these meetings are so valuable for both ends of the spectrum.
This Task Force aims to foster interoperability across the applications and projects in the Europeana context that produce, publish and/or consume annotations and user sets.
In this issue of EuropeanaTech Insight we share highlights from EuropeanaTech 2018 that perfectly illusrate core missions layed out in the new Europeana Innovation Agenda